Exteme Comments
DEAR LORD. I might need TWO Masterballs to catch THIS bitch. ONE INSIDE THE OTHER. HOLY FUCK THAT'S EXTREME.
I got pregnant just reading this ad... that's power.
I'm considering sending this to Nintendo.
This sick bastard raped a Mr. Mime and turned it into a fucking Jynx. HOW"D THAT SHIT HAPPEN?!?!?! Nobody knows. Also, it caused the first vagina ever to get wet as fuck, which is super fucking cash and paved the way for all penetration ever!
Quagsire used Rape. It's super effective!
Look at this motherfuckers fucking fingers. They're literally FUCKING FINGERS. Bitches are fucking PENISES. He needed extra for all that pussy that he gets.
YOU YOU GOTTA GET A QUAGSIRE Pikachu used lightning... Quagsire aint taking none of that motherfucking shit! Quagsire used BRUTAL RAPE, ITS SUPER EFFECTIVE!, The rape continues... ITS SUPER EFFECTIVE! Pikachu fainted... You wi... Quagsire: HELL NO! Quagsire used SUPER OPIATES!: TRY STAYING AWAKE NOW BITCH! Pikachu used "please stop raping me!"... it had no effect Quagsire used: SUPER BRUTAL SODOMY ITS SUPER EFFECTIVE! Pikachu died... Quagsire used "necrophilia" IT WAS SUPER EFFECTIVE!
"Quag!" Someone just got AIDS
Don't dare to try to beat him with Pikachu. One - he's overrated (Pikachu, who else?), two - Quagsire is part ground. Right - ground. He "puts down current to ┴", basically making Quagsire not giving a f*** about Thunders due to being immune to electricity. You Jellicent?
DEAR LORD. I might need TWO Masterballs to catch THIS bitch. ONE INSIDE THE OTHER. HOLY FUCK THAT'S EXTREME.