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Woah woah woah back your shit up. Do you know who the fuck this is? This is VINCENT MOTHERFUCKING VAN GOGH. They don't call him the great painter for nothing. This fine as fuck artist painted "Sunflowers," "Starry Night", and "Cafe at Night"-just to name a few. The real night sky doesn't even compare to the goddam masterpiece this motherfucker created. Just look at him-look at those eyes piercing your soul. Look at that goddam jacket. He may have been poor, but look at the way this GQMF carries himself. I bet your sorry ass couldn't look that good with a scruffy beard. Movies were made about his life, songs were written about him-bet you couldn't even get a rock named after your sorry ass. I wonder why? Oh yeah-because you're not a great painter. Motherfucker painted 463 paintings in only 30 months-can you do that? Didn't think so, cunt. I bet your sorry ass can't even draw a stick figure. Now bow down, bitch.
Woah woah woah back your shit up. Do you know who the fuck this is? This is VINCENT MOTHERFUCKING VAN GOGH. They don't call him the great painter for nothing. This fine as fuck artist painted "Sunflowers," "Starry Night", and "Cafe at Night"-just to name a few. The real night sky doesn't even compare to the goddam masterpiece this motherfucker created. Just look at him-look at those eyes piercing your soul. Look at that goddam jacket. He may have been poor, but look at the way this GQMF carries himself. I bet your sorry ass couldn't look that good with a scruffy beard. Movies were made about his life, songs were written about him-bet you couldn't even get a rock named after your sorry ass. I wonder why? Oh yeah-because you're not a great painter. Motherfucker painted 463 paintings in only 30 months-can you do that? Didn't think so, cunt. I bet your sorry ass can't even draw a stick figure. Now bow down, bitch.