Exteme Comments
Are you mother fucking kidding me? Are those apples? They're red and round as Satan's balls, and juicy as the queers ass you fucked last night. But mother fuck, apples are good for you, nigger. They cure the ass burning clap you got from that pedophile priest you sucked off AND keep the goddamn butt fucking Doctor away. Eat a fucking apple, queer.
hahahahahahaha, they're fuckin peaches idiot. . .they're just fucked. . .that's why they're so red and fucked up. . .cos they're fuck. . .but that shit is tight son. . .through my neighbours son with a green one i got off our tree last night cos he came into our yard and tried to steel my bike. . . .i ran out, grabbed a peach off the, called out his name and as soon as he turned that peach hit him right in the mouth and I shouted "Eat peach, bitch!" now his lips are thicker than Mick-fatherfucking-Jagger so this morning I said "yeah bitch, now you 'got the lips like Jagger'. . . since he liked listening2 that song from maroon5"
Peaches. This is the shit, right here. They are so sweet and juicy, it's like eating God's pussy. They have vitamins and shit, so you will become a lot smarter than the fuck-stick that uploaded this picture without the ad copy.
Are you mother fucking kidding me? Are those apples? They're red and round as Satan's balls, and juicy as the queers ass you fucked last night. But mother fuck, apples are good for you, nigger. They cure the ass burning clap you got from that pedophile priest you sucked off AND keep the goddamn butt fucking Doctor away. Eat a fucking apple, queer.