Exteme Comments
No, they really don't. The rumor about them speeding up the music with computers got started when they had a shitty sound guy for one tour back in 2006 that pretty much fucked everything up. Since then, they have proven on multiple occasions that they can play their own music whenever the hell they want. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DragonForce#Controversy
No they don't you fucking idiot
Oh my. Holy... fucking... shit-tits!
Yes, they do use computers. Not just that, even with the computers it sounds like shit
No, they really don't. The rumor about them speeding up the music with computers got started when they had a shitty sound guy for one tour back in 2006 that pretty much fucked everything up. Since then, they have proven on multiple occasions that they can play their own music whenever the hell they want. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DragonForce#Controversy